The Conundrum of the Dry Erase Board(s)
(In order to keep the story sane, identities have been removed to protect the innocent).
So it came to be that once upon a time, dry erase boards were investigated and requested by a committee of individuals. The space that wished to have the glorious writing space measured 16' - 8" by 12'. By anyone's opinion a fairly nice size meeting space, conference room table already installed, all that was needed now was some great collaboration space on the walls with which to scribble and post ideas. One individual discussed to another, I/we will find the boards and submit a purchase request for the installation. All agreed, standing in a circle in the wonderful space with which to collaborate. Accounting office nodding in agree-ance, "just let me know what you find and we will get that on order". Guidance technology folks nodding, we'll let them have it since they are obviously in the know and on the right track. A week or so later, in passing in the hall, one of the wise and in the know members said to a measly tech individual, "I think I need your assistance locating the Dry Erase board that will meet our needs in this new wonderful space. Tech individual looking a bit puzzled believing that there is a overly sophisticated board, latest tech, recently developed dry erase board that is better than the standard every day Dry Erase board, nods and agrees to assist with the task. Upon further investigation, the knowing individual explains that he is just having an impossible time locating a 16' dry erase board to fit the wonderful space. Knowing individual carries on for a few more comments and explains that not only can he not find a 16' DEB, but did the building have a large enough freight elevator to accommodate the 16' DEB? If they will not fit in the freight elevator, there is no way the will fit in the stair well and turn the corners. There just isn't room for that.
First, Tech individual perplexed and blown away by the obvious, There was no other elevators in the building except the same 3 that everyone in the entire building use. Additionally, had the Knowing individual not realized that there was indeed an easier solution to this deep problem? The tech individual stops for a second and says I bet we can find two 8' boards to fit in that same space. Knowing individual immediately shoots back, you think two 8 foot boards will fit in that 16 foot space? Tech individual glances back at the serious and straight faced response only to reply, " I am confident that we will be able to make it work, AND they will fit in the stair well just fine if they are too large for the elevator.
Knowing individual is once again excited and enthusiastic as the problem has been resolved. DEB are on order and slated to be installed in the wonderful space. Conundrum averted, mission complete.
Tech individual
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